Well, it took me a little longer to get the animation up than I expected. I ran into some upload problems and wasn't able to get to reuploading it until now. Here it is though. In the second "scene", the blob is supposed to be sleeping when it bobs its head up and down. It might be hard to tell since there aren't any sound effects.
Also, for the site, I'm still trying to come up with a name. I think I'm probably trying too hard in some ways, but I decided to do some research to try to help come up some ideas. Hopefully I'll find something good sometime so that I can actually start getting some work done.
Here's the Animation
Another Animation and Ideas
Well, I decided to try out another animation in my dorm room the other day, and it was somewhat successful. Since my last one, I've gotten a lamp to use for lighting which is better because it lights from the side rather than from the front like the ceiling light was doing. If you don't remember my last one, the ceiling light was causing my shadow to be cast onto the stage, causing flickering in the animation. The animation still isn't perfect. There's still some camera shake and the flicker is still there. I'm not quite sure why there is flickr, it may have something to do with the white balance or just something else. I'll have to look into it a little more. I'll post the animation later, I have to get a codec installed on the computer to compress it.
Something else that I also did today was come up with some ideas about creating motion design things by using stopmotion and hand drawn animation. I realized half way into doing it that I was probably making it a little more difficult than it would be if I just did it straight on the computer using various free programs, but there still may be some benefits to this method that I have yet to find. Basically I did some simple drawn animations and then keyed them on the computer and imported them into blender to use for various projects. This one was pretty rough because it was just a test, but since it works, I can try more later.
That's all for now, got to go.
Busy & Uninspired
Well, break is over, and school has started up again. So far, I’ve been really busy with various activities and schoolwork. I also haven’t been feeling the most inspired for any of the projects that I’ve created for myself so I haven’t done anything new since my last post. Hopefully I’ll be able to get into things again sometime. I’ve hit a stand still for my Kramer Klaymation design because I can’t code it, and I don’t want to spend the time learning how to code it right now.
To get things moving again for the stop motion site, which I would like to do soon, I probably should start brainstorming again for the site name. Nothing that I previously came up with met my standards so I’ll have to start all over again. One that is decided, it would give me the ability to start thinking about the logo design and branding. I’d really like to create some cool stop motion videos advertising the site, but before I can plan things too much, I need to know the name. One that is done comes the grueling task of more planning, designing the site, getting content, coding, and more. Fun stuff, but time absorbing and thought-provoking. There are also plenty of barriers that I have to figure out how to jump over. Maybe I’ll have to walk around a couple.
If anyone wonders why I post these posts about not getting work done, it’s because talking about it gets my mind thinking again and will possibly trigger some inspiration. Thanks for reading.
Her Morning Elegance
This stop motion video was featured on Yahoo.com today and has over 2 million view on Youtube. Just thought I'd share it.