
Time Warp

Here's an article I came across from Blender Nation. It may be useful to take a look at some of these videos and study them for animation purposes.

"The Discovery Channel has an interesting program called Time Warp where they film various actions like a balloon popping, cracking a bullwhip or a whip on flames, non-Newtonian fluid, a boxing blow to the head and stomach and many more, all recorded at 1,000 FPS.

There is also an interactive page where you move your mouse along the video screen to control the video playback. Reverse forward. These are nice for studying movement for animation; things you would never notice with a regular video shot at 30FPS are picked up at 1,000 FPS . It was interesting to see a stomach being hit by a fist in a boxing glove and all of the various stages of the reaction. "

Discovery Channel Site
Original Source