
Work Update

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to let you know that I've been working on what I'll just be calling the 'stop motion site' again. I think I found out a better organization style and technique to get it moving again. Part of the reason I was having trouble was because I wasn't organized enough and able to look at the project as a whole. Now I can do that so I'm pretty much making an outline of main ideas that have to do with the site and refining and adding details to it. I guess the idea that you use in art to start out rough and then refine works in many areas as well. The outline idea also gives me a chance to come up with solid ideas first and then build what I know I want. Too much guess work was making it hard for me to visualize certain things before. This way I don't have to worry about certain things until others are out of the way. So now I'm just filling that outline in every once in a while until I feel it gets full enough to move onto something else.

In other news, I finished the new KK design not too long ago. I actually finished it soon after I posted about it first. Now all that needs to be done is to get the coding finished which may take a while since I'm not all that knowledgeable in the ways of CSS which I would like to use.

Thats all for now.